Short Profile:
Franziska Schütze is a researcher at the Climate Policy department of the German Institut for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).
Franziska Schütze is a member of GCF and was part of the Green Growth research process from 2012 to 2019 and was the treasurer of GCF from 2014 to 2018.
Her research aims at understanding economic implications of climate and energy policies and the concept of green growth and a green economy. She has contributed to the development of an open source multi-agent model that assesses costs and benefits of climate and energy policy (German Green Growth Model) and to the preparation of the GCF report “Investment-oriented climate policy: An opportunity for Europe” a climate policy analysis using the general equilibrium model GEM-E3, which builds upon an earlier GCF report “A new growth path for Europe”. During the last years, her research focus has shifted towards the role of the financial sector, related risks and opportunities and the economic assessment of green fiscal, financial and monetary policies. Her research projects include SIMPOL , SYMPHONY, DOLFINS and Carbon Bubble.
Prior to GCF, she worked in the private sector as an analyst for a venture capital fund for sustainable businesses in the area of renewable energy, e-mobility, natural resources and green IT. Having studied in Utrecht, Lund and Copenhagen she has obtained a ‘Bachelor of Science in Economics and Geography’ and a ‘Master of Science in International Economics and Business’.
Publications and Policy Reports:
- Bingler, J., Dräger, S. Duscha, M., Kopp, I., Meyer, C., Polotzek, L.,Reitzenstein, A., Schütze, F., Shahyari, P. (2018). Finanzwesen und Klimaschutz. Konkrete Empfehlungen für das Maßnahmenprogramm Klimaschutz 2030 und das Klimaschutzgesetz.
- Mangalagiu, D. and Schütze, F. (2018) How to build successful ICT tools for policy making.
- Battiston, S., Mandel, A., Monasterolo, I., Schütze, F., & Visentin, G. (2017). A climate stress-test of the financial system. Nature Climate Change, 7(4), 283-288.
- Schütze, F., Fürst, S., Mielke, J., Steudle, G. A., Wolf, S., & Jaeger, C. C. (2017). The Role of Sustainable Investment in Climate Policy. Sustainability, 9(12), 2221.
- Wolf, S., Schütze, F., & Jaeger, C. C. (2016). Balance or synergies between environment and economy—A note on model structures. Sustainability, 8(8), 761.
- Jaeger, C.C., Schütze F., Mielke J., Steudle, G.A., Wolf, S., Fürst, S., Mangalagiu, D., Meissner, F., Paroussos, L. (2015). Investment-oriented climate policy: An opportunity for Europe. Analysis of growth and employment effects of an EU climate target of 50% in 2030. Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety.
Selected Presentations:
- “Climate stress-test of the financial system” presented at 2nd Sustainable Finance Summit, Science Lab, September 25th 2018, Frankfurt.
- “Climate Risk Scanner” presented at UBA Conference „Carbon Bubble: climate risks in financial markets?“ organized by the German Environmental Agency (UBA), June 15th 2018, Frankfurt.
- “Stock Markets and Sustainability” presented at ISEFI Conference, May 25th 2018, Paris.
- “Stock Markets and Sustainability” presented at a research Session at the Change Finance Forum, organized by Finance Watch, December 5th, 2017, Brussels.
- “The role of investment in climate policy” presented at the side event Green Growth: Perspectives on practice, theory, and (HPC-based) models at the European Pavilion, COP23, November 17th, 2017, Bonn.
- “A climate stress-test of the financial system” presented at the Technical Workshop on Climate Stress-Testing, at De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank), October 6th, 2017, Amsterdam.
- “A climate stress-test of the financial system” presented at the Technical Workshop: Putting environmental scenario analysis into practice, organized by Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) as part of the Green Finance Forum, June 1st, 2017, London.
- “A graph-based analysis of the European public consultation on the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework” presented at First Conference on Financial Networks and Sustainability, January 11th, 2017, Zurich.
- “A climate stress-test of the financial system” presented at Climate stress-testing Webinar, organized by ShareAction for its members, December 5th, 2016.