Vanessa Völz

Doctoral Researcher
Adaptation and Social Learning

tel +49 30-2060738-23


Global Climate Forum e.V.
Neue Promenade 6
10178 Berlin, Germany

Short Profile:
Vanessa Völz is a PhD student and research assistant in the Adaptation and Social Learning process. She obtained her master’s degree at the Technical University of Braunschweig in financial and industrial mathematics. During her studies she studied abroad in Iceland, worked at several university institutes and at an international airline company. After finishing her studies she worked as a research assistant at the Decision Support group at the Technical University of Braunschweig. There, she developed a time-expanded decision network to model car sharing systems.

At the Global Climate Forum she is participating in the SEASCApe Baltic 2 project that develops tailored coastal adaptation options for the Baltic Sea region. Her work focuses on economic decision analysis methods to tackle coastal adaptation decisions with a special focus on the integration of future learning effects in adaptive processes.

Current Projects:

SEASCApe Baltic II 




Völz, V.Hinkel, J.Kupfer, S.MacPherson, L. R., & Wulff Norrby, C. J. (2024). Learning about sea level rise uncertainty improves coastal adaptation decisionsEarth’s Future12, e2024EF004704.

Völz, V., & Hinkel, J. (2023). Sea level rise learning scenarios for adaptive decision-making based on IPCC AR6Earth’s Future11, e2023EF003662.

Völz, V., & Hinkel, J. (2023). Climate learning scenarios for adaptation decision analyses: Review and classification. Climate Risk Management, 40, 100512.

Völz V., Mattfeld D.C. (2021) Relocation in One-Way Station-Based Car Sharing Systems: Conventional Versus Partly Autonomous Vehicles. In: Buscher U., Lasch R., Schönberger J. (eds) Logistics Management. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer, Cham.

Völz, V., & Mattfeld, D. C., Scherr, Y.O. (2022). Relocation planning with partly autonomous vehicles in car sharing systems. In Transportation Research Procedia.  (Volume 62, pp. 213-220).