Concepts for reducing the impacts of anthropogenic pressures and uses on marine ecosystems and biodiversity
The manifold human interventions in coastal marine ecosystems, for example through shipping, the construction of wind turbines, fishing, nutrient input or tourism, are increasingly leading to conflicts between the users of marine resources and nature conservation objectives, such as those set out in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). These conflicts have recently been exacerbated by the ambitious expansion targets for offshore wind farms (OWF) associated with the energy transition.
In this societal context, the project CREATE is developing solution-oriented knowledge for better marine protection, the resolution of conflicts of interest and the efficient marine monitoring necessary to achieve nature conservation goals. In particular, CREATE pursues the following three objectives:
- Co-creation and transfer of non-invasive monitoring strategies to monitor the marine environment.
- Assessment of the biodiversity and connectivity of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the context of multiple uses, with special consideration of the impacts of OWFs as stepping stones for the distribution of key species.
- Co-creation of socially acceptable marine conservation measures and MPAs, associated governance structures and marine education measures.
The focus of GCF within CREATE is to evaluate experiences on the acceptance and effectiveness of conservation and management concepts, as well as different institutional designs and participatory processes in marine conservation. Building on this, socially acceptable governance structures will be developed together with stakeholders to reduce conflicts over use and protection.
CREATE is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with project funding reference number 03F0910H.