Scientific Founding Members
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam (Carlo C. Jaeger)
- Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg (Klaus Hasselmann)
- Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, UK (Mike Hulme)
- Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, Milano (Carlo Carraro)
- Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen (Ola M. Johannessen)
- Paul Scherrer Institut, ETH Zürich (Alexander Wokaun)
- International Research Center on Environment and Development, Paris (Jean-Charles Hourcade)
- Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Carlo Carraro (Former Vice-Chancellor, Full Professor)
- CIRED (Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement), France
- Representative: Prof. Jean-Charles Hourcade (Director of Research)
- City of Bergen, Norway
- Representative: Eva Britt Isager (Head of Climate)
- Climate Center of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (CCVUA), The Netherlands
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Pier Vellinga (Programme Director Climate Change, Wageningen University & Research Centre)
- Climate Strategies, United Kingdom
- Representative: Andrzej Blachowicz (Managing Director)
- CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Australia
- Representative: Prof. Dr. John Finnigan (Director of CSIRO Centre for Complex System Science)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Germany
- Representative: Dr. Jonathan Koehler (Research Associate)
- Germanwatch e.V., Germany
- Representative: Klaus Milke (Chairman of the Board)
- Global e-Sustainability Initative (GeSI), Belgium
- Representative: Luis Neves (Managing Director)
- Global Futures Laboratory (at Arizona State University)
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Peter Schlosser (Vice President), Prof. Dr. Manfred Laubichler
- Institut de Ciència i Technologia Ambientals (ICTA), Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, Spain
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Louis Lemkow Zetterling (Former Director)
- Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), Germany
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Martin Claussen (Director of the Dept. The Land in the Earth System)
- Munich RE (Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft), Germany
- Representative: Dr. Michael Menhart (Chief Economist)
- NERSC (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre), Norway
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Ola M. Johannessen (Founding Director)
- NIERSC (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre), Russia
- Representative: Dr. Leonid Bobylev (Director and Leader of the Climate Group)
- THEMA1, Germany
- Representative: Jacob Bilabel (Founder)
- University of Alcalá, Physics Department, Spain
- Representative: Prof. Antonio Ruiz de Elvira (Director of Department)
- University of Applied Sciences in Eberswalde, Germany
- Representative: Prof. Dr. Martin Welp (Chair of Dept. Socioeconomics and Communication)
- WWF International
- Filippo Addarii (Co-Founder & CEO, PlusValue), United Kingdom
- Joffa Applegate (Assistant Research Professor, Global Bio-Social Complexity Initiative, ASU), USA
- Prof. Dr. Stefano Battiston (SNSF Professor of Banking, University of Zurich, Former Board Member of GCF), Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Lennart Bengtsson (Former Director, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology), Germany/Sweden
- Prof. Dr. Guido Caldarelli (Full Professor in Theoretical Physics at IMT Lucca, Former Board Member of GCF), Italy
- Dr. Ignacio Campino (Former Chairman Desertec Foundation, Chairman BiWiNa), Chile/Germany
- Prof. Dr. Ilan Chabay (Head of Strategic Research Initiatives and -programmes, IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies), Germany
- Nancy Chen (Founder & Managing Director of CXI Legal Consulting), The Netherlands
- Dr. Ulf Dahlsten (Board Member of Global Utmaning, Visiting Professor at London School of Economics), Sweden/United Kingdom
- Sebastian Gallehr (Executive Partner at Gallehr Sustainable Risk Management GmbH, Internal Auditor of GCF), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Sylvie Geisendorf (Chair of Dept. for Environment and Economics at ESCP Europe Buisness School), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Carlo Giupponi (Full Professor at Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Dean of Venice International University), Italy
- Dr. Michael Evan Goodsite (Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Engineering & Head of Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of Southern Denmark), Denmark
- Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grassl (Former Director of Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology), Germany
- Dr. Armin Haas (Head of the GCF research process Integrated Risk Governance, Senior Research Associate at IASS), Germany
- Dr. Bill Hare (CEO & Managing Director at Climate Analytics), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Hasselmann (Co-Founder & Vice-Chairman of GCF, Former Director of Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Former Board Member of GCF), Germany
- Elke Henning (Head of Finance and Administration at Ackerdemia e.V., Former Head of Administration ECF/GCF), Germany
- PD Dr. habil Jochen Hinkel (Senior Researcher & Head of the GCF research process Adaptation and Social Learning, Former Board Member of GCF), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Hoeppe (Former Head of Geo Risks Research at MunichRe, Chair of Munich Climate Insurance Initiative MCII, Board Member of GCF), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Carlo Jaeger (Chairman of GCF, Head of GCF research process Green Growth), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Pavel Kabat (Director General and CEO at IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Austria
- Tom Kram (Programme Manager Integrated Assessment Modelling at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), The Netherlands
- Dr. Jette Krause (Scientific Technical Officer at JRC Institute for Energy and Transport), Italy
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Laubichler (Vice-Chairman of GCF, President’s Professor at Arizona State University), USA
- Prof. Dr. Sander van der Leeuw (Disting. Sustainability Scientist, J. A. Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Former Board Member of GCF), USA
- Dr. Gerd Leipold (Former Director of Greenpeace, Trustee of the Humboldt Viadrina, Director of Climate Transparency Initiative, Former Board Member of GCF), Germany
- Dr. Daniel Lincke (Senior Researcher at GCF’s research process Adaptation and Social Learning), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Kristian Lindgren (Professor in Complex Systems at Chalmers University of Technology), Sweden
- Dr. Yanli Lyu (Lecturer at Bejing Normal University, Board Member of GCF), P.R. China
- Prof. Dr. Antoine Mandel (Professor of Applied Mathematics at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Internal Auditor GCF), France
- Prof. Dr. Diana Mangalagiu (Professor at the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford, Board Member of GCF), UK/France
- Dr. Frank Meissner (Research Associate at IASS, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Jiahua Pan (Director General at Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)), China
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Pickl (Chair for Operations Research at Bundeswehr University Munich), Germany
- Franziska Schuetze (Researcher and PhD candidate in GCF’s research process Green Growth), Germany
- Dr. Sabrina Schulz (Head of Berlin Office at KfW Bankengruppe), Germany
- Dr. Shade Shutters (Research Scientist, Decision Theater and Core Faculty, Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity, Arizona State University), USA
- Prof. Dr. Detlef Sprinz (Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at University Potsdam), Germany
- Dr. Gesine Steudle (Senior Researcher in GCF’s research process Green Growth), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Susanne Stoll-Kleemann (Head of Department, Sustainability Science and Applied Geography at University of Greifswald), Germany
- Dr. (Joan) David Tàbara Villalba (Associate Senior Researcher at Institut de Ciència i Technologia Ambientals (ICTA), Universitat Autonoma Barcelona), Spain
- Prof. Dr. Laurence Tubiana (Chairwoman of European Climate Foundation, Founder and Former Director of IDDRI), France
- Christiane Voelker (Former Head of Administration GCF, Board Member of GCF), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Bert de Vries (Professor at Institute of Sustainable Development, Former Chair of Global Change and Energy, Utrecht University), The Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Helga Weisz (Head of Research Domain Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methods, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Germany
- Konstantin Winter (Head of Administration, Executive Assistant to the Chair at GCF, Treasurer of GCF), Germany
- Dr. Sarah Wolf (Senior Researcher in GCF’s research process Green Growth, Board Member of GCF), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Saini Yang (Professor at Beijing Normal University), P.R. China