Governance and management of marine munition in the German North and Baltic Sea


The German part of the North Sea and Baltic Sea is contaminated with about 1.6 million tonnes of ammunition from the two World Wars, which threatens both human safety and the integrity of ecosystems through the risks of explosion and toxic and carcinogenic chemicals polluting waters and accumulating in the food chain. CONMAR-Governance addresses these challenges by developing communication and governance solutions, in consultation with stakeholders, and drawing upon the biophysical knowledge on ammunition risks generated in the collaborative project CONMAR. Towards this end, CONMAR-Governance analysis relevant governance structures, the public discourse on marine ammunition and conducts a participatory multi-criteria analysis to prioritize areas for remediation options. Expected outcomes include policy options for an effective communication and remediation of the marine ammunitions risk, embedded in an evidence-based, societal dialogue.

Funded by

CONMAR is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and with project funding reference number 03F0912C.