Green Growth

Research line leader: Carlo Jaeger

Goal of the process

Investigate the complex dynamics of rule evolution and equilibrium selection to identify win-win options that achieve emissions reductions while overcoming poverty and unemployment.

Major findings

With a consistent set of policies, the European Union and its member states can trigger a shift from the present state of minimal growth and recurrent financial turmoil to a green growth path. Along that path, sustainable investment can be used to solve long-term problems like public debt and climate change.

Past projects

Bridging The Great Divide in Sustainability Science

Linking High-Performance Modeling and Transition Experiments to Foster Transformational Change Towards Sustainability


Centre of Excellence for Global Systems Science


Distributed glObal FINancial systems for Society


Kopernikus-Projekt „Systemintegration“: Energiewende-Navigationssystem

German Green Growth model

Module for assessing costs and benefits of German energy and climate policy measures

New Growth Path for Europe

Investment-oriented climate policy: An opportunity for Europe

Synthesis Report / Full Report

New Member States project

Climate Protection and Economic Growth – Case Study Romania and Bulgaria


Financial Systems SIMulation and POLicy Modeling

Sustainability Skills

Workshops and dialogues on European vocational education system for sustainability

Additional past projects