Prof. Dr. Diana Mangalagiu
GCF Board Member
Senior Researcher
Green Growth
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, UK
tel +33 (0)6 1110 5738
Global Climate Forum e.V.
Neue Promenade 6
10178 Berlin, Germany
Short Profile:
Diana Mangalagiu is a board member of GCF since 2010 and is part of GCF’s Green Growth research process.
Diana is Professor at the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford, at Sciences Po and RMS in France. She has a dual background, in both natural sciences (Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, MSc in Physics, MSc in Microelectronics) and social sciences (MSc in Sociology and MSc in Management). Previous positions include Reader at HEC School of Management Paris, Scientific Director of the Centre for Central and Eastern Europe Studies, Senior Scientist at the Complex Systems Lagrange Lab, Institute for Scientific Interchange, Italy. From 2001 to 2003, she spent two years travelling, leading and participating in research and development projects in Latin America, Africa and South Pacific.
Over the past decade, her research has been focusing on sustainability and social responsibility in corporate and public policy settings addressed through an articulation of modeling, social experimentation and foresight. She is a co-founder of the Initiative for Science, Society and Policy Dialogue and a lead author of the Global Environmental Outlook of the United Nations Environmental Programme.
Diana is a Romanian and French national. Through her travels, she became fluent in seven languages.