Short Profile:
Steffen Fürst studied mathematics with a focus on economics and social science at the Technical University of Darmstadt.
From 2007 to 2012, he was at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), where he worked mainly on economic agent-based models (ABM).
In 2012 he joined the Global Climate Forum and was till 2020 a research associate at GCF. In the Centre of Excellence for Global Systems Science (CoeGSS), he worked on the pilot studies and on methods and tools, in particular on a concept for a high performance computing (HPC)-enabled ABM framework. He was also involved in the development of the visualisation used in the Decision Theatre events.
At the end of 2020, he joined the Zuse Institute Berlin to expand his work on ABMs in the HPC environment.
Research Interests:
Green Growth, HPC, ABM, Visualisation