Dr. Sarah Wolf
GCF Board Member
Senior Researcher
Green Growth
tel +49 30-2060738-11
fax +49 30-2060738-33
Global Climate Forum e.V.
Neue Promenade 6
10178 Berlin, Germany
Short Profile:
Sarah Wolf is a board member of GCF since 2018 and contributes to the Green Growth research process since 2012. As head of a MATH+ junior research group on “Mathematics for Sustainability Transitions” at Freie Universität Berlin, she works on agent-based modelling of complex socio-economic, -ecologic, and -technical systems, and on embedding modelling and simulation in stakeholder dialogues. Her research topics include sustainable mobility, as well as mechanisms behind a possibility of transitioning to Green Growth.
Sarah Wolf has a background in mathematics and has worked in interdisciplinary research teams ever since her PhD studies at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Her PhD used mathematics as a language to clarify concepts (From Vulnerability Formalization to Finitely Additive Probability Monads, Freie Universität Berlin).
Selected Publications:
Sarah Wolf, Steffen Fürst, Andreas Geiges, Manfred Laublichler, Jahel Mielke, Gesine Steudle, Konstantin Winter, and Carlo C. Jaeger. The Decision Theatre Triangle for societal challenges – An example case and research needs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 394, 2023. A previous version is vailable as GCF working paper 2/2021.
Sarah Wolf et al., Alberto Madrigal. Ida und der Mathe-Agent – oder eine Geschichte vom Modellieren der Mobilität von Morgen. Raum Italic & Global Climate Forum, 2022.
Sarah Wolf, Jonas Teitge, Jahel Mielke, Franziska Schütze, and Carlo Jaeger. The European Green Deal – More Than Climate Neutrality. Intereconomics, 56(2):99–107, 2021.
Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Stefanie Winkelmann, Sarah Wolf, and Christof Schütte. Agent-based modeling: Population limits and large timescales. Chaos, 31(033140), 2021.
Guido Caldarelli, Sarah Wolf, and Yamir Moreno. Physics of humans, physics for society. Nature Physics, 14(9):870, 2018.
Gesine Steudle, Sarah Wolf, Jahel Mielke, and Carlo Jaeger. Green Growth Mechanics: The Building Blocks. GCF Working Paper 1/2018, 2018.
Franziska Schütze, Steffen Fürst, Jahel Mielke, Gesine A. Steudle, Sarah Wolf, and Carlo C. Jaeger. The role of sustainable investment in climate policy. Sustainability, 9(12):2221, 2017.
Wolf, S., Schütze, F., and Jaeger, C., 2016. Balance or Synergies between Environment and Economy — A Note on Model Structures. Sustainability, 8(8), 761
Wolf, S., Fürst, S., Mandel, A., Lass, W., Lincke, D., Pablo-Martì, F., and Jaeger, C., 2013. A multi-agent model of several economic regions. Environmental Modeling and Software, 44, pp. 25-43.
Wolf, S., Bouchaud, J.-P., Cecconi, F., Cincotti, S., Dawid, H., Gintis, H., van der Hoog, S., Jaeger, C. C., Kovalevsky, D. V., Mandel, A., and Paroussos, L., 2013. Describing economic agent-based models – Dahlem ABM documentation guidelines. Complexity Economics, 2, pp. 63-74.
A first version of the guidelines can be found here for reference.
Wolf, S., Hinkel, J., Hofmann, M., Bisaro, A., Lincke, D., Ionescu, C., and Klein, R. J. T., 2012. Clarifying vulnerability definitions and assessments using formalisation. International Journal for Climate Change Strategies and Management, 5(1),pp. 54-70.
Wolf, S., 2012. Vulnerability and Risk – Comparing Assessment Approaches. Natural Hazards, 61(3). DOI:10.1007/s11069-011-9968-4.
Wolf, S., 2009. Vulnerability to Climate Change – Mathematics as a Language to Clarify Concepts. In: M. Emmer and A. Quarteroni (eds.), MATHKNOW2008, pp. 253–263. Springer, Milano.
Wolf, S., 2010. From Vulnerability Formalization to Finitely Additive Probability Monads. PhD thesis, Freie Universität Berlin.
Wolf, S. 2006. Eine italienische Reise in die Mathematik und Kultur. DMV-Mitteilungen, 14(1):49–50.