Jan-Erik Thie
Researcher, PhD student
Green Growth
tel +49 30-2060738-18
fax +49 30-2060738-33
jan-erik.thie (at)
Global Climate Forum e.V.
Neue Promenade 6
10178 Berlin, Germany
Short Profile:
Jan-Erik Thie is a PhD student at the Global Climate Forum in the Green Growth process. He also works as a Doctoral Researcher at the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK). He received his master’s degree at the University of Potsdam in Economics with a specialization in climate change economics. During his studies, he worked at the environmental think tanks adelphi and Ecologic Institute in Berlin. After his master’s degree, Jan-Erik worked as a Junior Researcher at Ecologic Institute on topics such as carbon pricing and the transformation of carbon-intensive industries.
Research Interests:
In his dissertation project, he investigates the role of the state in the overall socio-ecological transformation of the economy and analyzes the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policies oriented towards climate neutrality. For that purpose, he develops an empirical macroeconomic model in the tradition of post-Keynesian economics that fully integrates government action while linking the environmental dimension with socioeconomic factors.
Selected Publications:
Weber, Isabella, Thore Beckmann and Jan-Erik Thie, 2023: The Tale of the German Gas Price Brake: Why We Need Economic Disaster Preparedness in Times of Overlapping Emergencies. Intereconomics, 58(1): 10-16.
Bauermann, Tom, Sebastian Dullien, Lukas Endres and Jan-Erik Thie, 2022: Obergrenzen für Haushalte bei der Gaspreisbremse: Verteilungs- und fiskalische Wirkungen. IMK Policy Brief Nr. 139.
Dullien, Sebastian, Jan-Erik Thie and Isabella Weber, 2022: Gaspreisbremse für Industrie: Gezieltes Sparen besser als „Winterschlafprämien“.
Thie, Jan-Erik, Jonas Teitge, Antje Trauboth and Carlo Jaeger, 2022: Wie viel Wachstum – Welches Wachstum? Study 82, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
Bauermann, Tom, Sebastian Dullien and Jan-Erik Thie, 2022: Fiskalische Kosten und Finanzierungsoptionen für Varianten des Gaspreisdeckels. IMK Policy Brief Nr. 133.
Murau, Steffen, Jan-Erik Thie, 2022: Special funds and security policy: Endowing the German Energy and Climate Fund with autonomous borrowing powers. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Policy Brief series (IIPP BP 20).
Murau, Steffen, Jan-Erik Thie, 2022: Für eine Ausstattung des Energie- und Klimafonds mit Kreditermächtigungen. Wirtschaftsdienst 102, 449–455. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10273-022-3215-3.
Thie, Jan-Erik, Steffen Murau, 2022: Bundeswehr kann warten: Junge Ökonomen fassen Deutschlands Sicherheitsprioritäten neu. Berliner Zeitung online, 30.06.2022.
Thie, Jan-Erik, 2021: „Ein einheitlicher CO2-Preis allein schafft ausreichend Investitionsanreize für klimaneutrale Technologien“. Blog post on steuermythen.de.
Thie, Jan-Erik, 2021: Harter Schnitt oder sanfter Übergang. In: Junkernheinrich, M; Korioth, S.; Lenk, T.; Scheller, H.; Woisin, M. (Hrsg.) Jahrbuch für öffentliche Finanzen 2-2021. Berlin. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. 2021. S. 188-204. ISBN: 978-3-8305-5147-8.
Thie, Jan-Erik, 2021: Die Lage der Länder. Blog post on Dezernat Zukunft.
Thie, Jan-Erik, 2020: European Recovery Packages and their Climate Investment Share. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
de Bruyn, Sander, Chris Jongsma, Bettina Kampman, Benjamin Görlach and Jan-Erik Thie, 2020: Energy-intensive industries – Challenges and opportunities in energy transition. Study for the committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg.
Velten, Eike Karola, Clemens Brauer and Jan-Erik Thie, 2020: Used vehicle trade and fleet composition in Europe. Final report of the project “Used vehicle trade and fleet composition in Europe” on behalf of the EEA. Ecologic Institute and Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI: Berlin, Karlsruhe.
Thie, Jan-Erik and Benjamin Görlach, 2019: Wie der klimaneutrale Umbau des Industriestandorts Deutschland gelingen kann. Blog post on makronom.
Melches, Carolina, Jan-Erik Thie and Stefan Herweg, 2019: Umsetzung der Schuldenbremse in Berlin: Fallstricke und Gestaltungsspielräume. Blog post on oxiblog.
Thie, Jan-Erik, 2019: (K)eine Zukunft mit Schuldenbremse? Blog post on makronom.