Jonas Haas

Doctoral Researcher
Adaptation and Social Learning

tel +49 30-2060738-23

Global Climate Forum e.V.
Neue Promenade 6
10178 Berlin, Germany

Jonas Haas is a PhD student and researcher at the Global Climate Forum (GCF) investigating the economic impacts of climate change driven sea level rise. His work focuses on cost-benefit analysis of adaptation strategies to sea-level rise and flooding and decision-making under uncertainty. At GCF, he contributes to two EU Horizon 2020 research projects, DECIPHER and ACCREU, where he develops modeling frameworks to evaluate coastal risk and adaptation using the state-of-the-art coastal model DIVA.

Jonas holds a Master degree in Agricultural Economics from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, with additional studies in Analytical Philosophy at the University of Barcelona, and a Bachelors in Economics from Freie Unversität Berlin. Prior to his doctoral studies, he worked as a Policy Officer at the German Solar Association (BSW), where he conducted market intelligence analysis.

His expertise combines econometric modeling, optimization methods, and policy analysis. His research interests encompass the long-term impacts of climate change on economic growth, coastal resilience, and adaptation strategies.

Current Projects: