DIVA – coastal impact and adaptation modelling

DIVA (historic acronym for Dynamic Interactive Vulnerability Assessment) provides an ecosystem of tools and data for coastal impact and adaptation modelling on different spatial and temporal scales.

DIVACoast.jl library

DIVACoast.jl is a julia library for coastal impact and adaptation modelling. The library provides data types and algorithms to script assessment runs for different coastal impact and adaptation research questions. The repository also provides quite some demo data and demo scripts. The library is available here:
gitlab: https://gitlab.com/globalclimateforum/DIVACoast.jl

See the gitlab pages for further information about installation and usage

Global DIVA datasets

A global DIVA dataset is available here:

This global dataset contains a partitioning of the worlds coast plain into approx. 175,000 flood plains and in addition a partitioning of the worlds coastline into approx. 700,000 segments. The partitioning is provided as geoTIFF files (for both, flood plains and coastline segments) as well as GeoPackage files.


The DIVACoast.jl library has been applied in the following projects:

  • CoCliCo
  • RESTCoast



Enquiries for application, consulting and support:


Enquiries for application, consulting and support: daniel.lincke@globalclimateforum.org