Klimawandel: Reichen gute Ideen? (German)

Eberswalde, April 10, 2008

‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ the international Master Study Programme ‘Global Change Management’ at the Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences was awarded a prize for being an outstanding innovative project. The symposium ‘Klimawandel – Reichen gute Ideen?’ is the major event within this frame and will focus on higher education needs in face of global climate change. Read more

Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit (German)

Nachhaltigkeit – Ein Programm für unsere Zukunft
Berlin, April 08, 2008

Nachhaltigkeit betrifft alle Betrachtungsebenen, kann also lokal, regional, national oder global verwirklicht werden.

Während aus ökologischer Perspektive zunehmend ein globaler Ansatz verfolgt wird, steht hinsichtlich der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Nachhaltigkeit oft der nationale Blickwinkel im Vordergrund. Read more

Climate Change and the Cities of the Future

ECF Annual Conference 2008
Alcalá de Henares, April 1-2, 2008

Art, technology and economics, acting in synergy, have a decisive role in stopping the accelerating climate change. Cities are the main source of greenhouse gases emissions: The production of electricity is finally directed to the cities; buildings must be heated and cooled, people and goods need daily transport to and from the cities. Today, the design of cities still follows a thousand years old concept that maybe is no longer necessary or useful. Read more