At the CSH Sustainability and Complexity workshop in Vienna GCF Chairman, Prof. Carlo Jaeger, spoke on the need of a major transition in the evolution of global institutions regarding sustainability in his talk: „Sustainability – a complex challenge. Beyond the wrong kind of complexity.“ GCF vice-chairman, Prof. Manfred Laubichler spoke on the design of “Sustainable Pathways. Why sustainability is a complex problem“. See the videos of their talks and the panel discussion below.
The workshop was organized by Guido Caniglia, Manfred Laubichler, and Stefan Thurner and took place at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Klosterneuburg close to Vienna and was co-organized together with the project Complexity or Control? Paradigms of Sustainable Development (CCP at Leuphana University of Lueneburg) and the Complexity Science Hub (CSH in Vienna).
The workshop departed from the idea that sustainability is a problem of complexity and that a sustainability science that aspires to realize more sustainable futures needs to be grounded in complex adaptive systems theories, co-evolutionary perspectives, and transdisciplinary methodologies that can help addressing ongoing societal, ecological, economical, technological, cultural and political transformations (e.g. AI, biotechnologies) so as to contribute moving our societies towards sustainability. The focus of the workshop was on epistemological and institutional dimensions of sustainability science in relation to complexity. The goal was to develop a shared vision for a sustainability science (and for research institutions in sustainability science) grounded in complex adaptive systems theories, co-evolutionary perspectives, and transdisciplinary methodologies.
Videos of the talks: