GSDP Kick-Off Meeting

Berlin, Germany

This meeting is organized in order to develop the research programme for the first year of GSDP. Read more

2010 Summer Institute for Advanced Study of Disaster and Risk

August 2-13, 2010,
Beijing Normal University/China

Disaster, Risk, and Climate Change

August 2-13, 2010, Beijing Normal University/China

The 2010 Summer Institute for Advanced Study of Disaster and Risk (SI2010) at
Beijing Normal University is the second of a series of three summer institutes cosponsored by the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. Initiated in collaboration with the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) – Integrated Risk Governance (IRG Project), this summer institute series is an integral part and a core capacity building activity of the Hazard and Risk Science Base at Beijing Normal University (the HRSB@BNU). The primary goal is to attract and train young scholars who have both background and strong interest in the field of hazard and risk study, and through which, to improve and strengthen education, research, as well as international communication and cooperation capacity in China in the field of disaster and risk sciences. In the long-term, the summer institutes seek contribution to laying a solid foundation of a state-of-the-art hazard and risk science base in China. Read more

ECF Annual Conference, in conjunction with GSD: Action for Climate – Beyond the Zero Sum Game

April 9-10, 2010
Barcelona, Spain

The conference has been organised to facilitate an open dialogue on where we stand with regard to the climate issue, on the strengths and weaknesses of current climate research, and on the steps that can lead beyond the present impasse. It is organized by the European Climate Forum (ECF), in conjunction with the European Research Network on Global Systems Dynamics and Policy (GSD) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Read more

Beyond the Financial Crisis – Globalization at the Crossroads

An International Conference
Berlin, November 5-6, 2009


This conference is supported by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment and by the Global Systems Dynamics Project, a European research initiative.

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Agent-based Modeling for Sustainable Development

A joint workshop of Global System Dynamics and Policies and the European Climate Forum
Venice, 2-4 April, 2009

The workshop will offer the opportunity to exchange experiences with advanced multiagent modeling techniques and to think together about their application to practical problems, in particular the relation between climate policy and the global financial crisis. Later, to study in depth this question, the Illustration “Financial Crisis and Climate Policy” will bring together four distinguished panelists who will look at the problem from four different perspectives: climate research, economic research, business, and the study of complex systems. Read more

Financial Crisis and Climate Policy – A Science-Policy Debate

ECF Annual Conference 2009
Venice, April 4, 2009

“Europe must lead the world into a new, or maybe one should say, post-industrial revolution, the development of a low-carbon economy.” This is the perspective offered by EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso when the EU declared its ambitious goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable energy use, and improving energy efficiency. In summer 2007, this step enabled the G-8 summit of Heiligendamm to declare the aim to halve global CO2 emissions by 2050, and at the end of the year, it kept the momentum in the global climate policy process at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali. Read more

Expanding Renewable Generating Capacity by 2030

Round Table Discussion: Technology and Policy Challenges
Brussels, January 08, 2009

The purpose of the Round Table will be to investigate options and necessary steps to integrate the North Sea and Atlantic offshore wind and the Southern European and North African solar thermal into the European power grid. We will consider the role of existing hydroelectric systems and the development of smart-grid technologies for demand balancing. Participants will try to identify the necessary steps to achieve a large-scale integration of renewables – in an order of magnitude of 30% or more of total EU firm generating capacity – by 2030. Read more

Side Events at COP 14

Germany Side event and SSG Side Event
Poznań, December 11, 2008

Germany Side event at COP 14

Investing in climate protection: Prospects in sustainable growth and development.

  • Investments for a Climate-Friendly Germany – Study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
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Innovation Kaleidoscope for Sustainability

A joint Seminar of the European Commission-GSD and a demonstration project of Eusko Ikaskuntza on New Social and New Economic Techniques
Bilbao, December 2-4, 2008

Linking North Africa’s Renewable Electricity Potential to Europe – Policy Challenges

SSG Workshop
Laxenburg, November 24-26, 2008