Mobilising Private Finance for Coastal Adaptation

The role of private finance in meeting adaptation infrastructure investment needs has been widely emphasised in climate policy debates. This new paper Mobilising private finance for coastal adaptation: a literature review in WIREs Climate Change reviews the scientific literature on the issue. The paper thus provides a perspective from the current literature on the questions of what promotes private investment in coastal adaptation and how can public actors’ interest in adaptation be aligned with private investor interests. Read more

GCF Working Paper 1/2018:
Green Growth Mechanics: The Building Blocks

[by G. Steudle, S. Wolf, J. Mielke,  C. Jaeger] ||

Green growth holds the promise that solving environmental problems can at the same time create economic benefits. Yet, until now there is little analytically sound work on the possibility of such a dynamics. In this paper, we investigate conditions under which a transition from brown growth to green growth can improve the economic situation, both in the present and in the future. In our model, we combine three well-documented phenomena: the fact that a major aspect of technical change is learning by doing, the fact that learning by doing can develop in different directions, and the indeterminacy of labour markets resulting from the difficulty of matching the skills of people with the tasks arising in firms. The combination provides new insights for the discussion about the possibilities of green growth.

The paper can be downloaded here: GCF_WorkingPaper1-2018

The Role of Sustainable Investment in Climate Policy

Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals requires a fundamental socio-economic transformation accompanied by substantial investment in low-carbon infrastructure. Such a sustainability transition represents a non-marginal change, driven by behavioral factors and systemic interactions.
However, typical economic models used to assess a sustainability transition focus on marginal changes around a local optimum, which—by construction—lead to negative effects. Thus, these models do not allow evaluating a sustainability transition that might have substantial positive effects. This paper examines which mechanisms need to be included in a standard computable general equilibrium model to overcome these limitations and to give a more comprehensive view of the effects of climate change mitigation.

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GCF Working Paper 3/2017: Electric Mobility in view of Green Growth

[by S. Wolf, S. Fuerst, A. Geiges, G. Steudle, J. von Postel, C. Jaeger] ||

GCF presented work on the diffusion of electric mobility in a green growth context at the Electric Vehicle Symposium in Stuttgart in October 2017. This working paper is a follow-up version of the paper prepared for this conference.

The paper can be downloaded here: GCF_WorkingPaper3-2017

Ideals, practices, and future prospects of stakeholder involvement in sustainability science

This paper recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences evaluates current stakeholder involvement (SI) practices in science through a web-based survey among scholars and researchers engaged in sustainability or transition research. It substantiates previous conceptual work with evidence from practice by building on four ideal types of SI in science. The results give an interesting overview of the varied landscape of SI in sustainability science, ranging from the kinds of topics scientists work on with stakeholders, over scientific trade-offs that arise in the field, to improvements scientists wish for. Furthermore, the authors describe a discrepancy between scientists’ ideals and practices when working with stakeholders. On the conceptual level, the data reflect that the democratic type of SI is the predominant one concerning questions on the understanding of science, the main goal, the stage of involvement in the research process, and the science–policy interface. The fact that respondents expressed agreement to several types shows they are guided by multiple and partly conflicting ideals when working with stakeholders. We thus conclude that more conceptual exchange between practitioners, as well as more qualitative research on the concepts behind practices, is needed to better understand the stakeholder–scientist nexus.

Weblink to the paper:

GCF Working Paper 2/2017a:
Framing 1.5 C – Turning an investment challenge into a green growth opportunity

[by S. Wolf, C. Jaeger, J. Mielke, F. Schuetze, R. Rosen] ||

[*This is a slightly amended version of GCF Working Paper 2/2017.] ||

Our new working paper wants to contribute to the special report on the impacts of average global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will produce in 2018. In contrast to a classical perspective on climate policy, which focuses on costs, our paper proposes a win-win framing: The 1:5C scenario should be seen as an opportunity for the world to achieve a Great Transition to green growth. Read more

A climate stress-test of the financial system

An article, published in the journal “Nature Climate Change” on March 27th 2017. The authors, Stefano Battiston, Antoine Mandel, Irene Monasterolo, Franziska Schütze and Gabriele Visentin, have developed a “climate stress-test” of the financial system. The analysis looks beyond the fossil fuel and utility sector, by including energy-intensive sectors as well as indirect effects, and it differentiates between different types of investor.

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GCF Working Paper 1/2017:
Green investment and coordination failure: An investors’ perspective

[by Jahel Mielke, Gesine A. Steudle] ||

The goal to keep global warming well below 2°C can only be achieved if private investors shift capital from brown to green infrastructures and technologies. In this working paper, we present a game-theoretic perspective on the transition from brown to green growth. We perceive investment for mitigation as a coordination problem of selecting among multiple equilibria. We discuss how uncertainty in such a “green investment game” could be reduced in order to coordinate actors on the Pareto-superior equilibrium. Read more

GCF Working Paper 3/2016:
Price Dynamics Via Expectations, and the Role of Money Therein

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by Gesine A. Steudle, Saini Yang, Carlo C. Jaeger

A Green Investment Impulse for Europe – 12 Recommendations for Green Growth and Successful Energy Transition

The transformations in various sectors required for the energy transition pose major challenges to political, economic and civil society actors: business models need to be reoriented and new technologies developed or implemented. Sustainable decarbonisation, which requires the success of the energy transition, also requires high levels of public and private investment which is difficult in times of weak economic growth in Europe. At the same time, there are opportunities for companies to engage in new markets with green business models. In addition, new players are emerging, for example due to digitization processes. In the course of a changed actor landscape, new possibilities for cooperation are being created that can enable green growth and simultaneously support the energy transition. Read more