GCF Working Paper 02/2018: Model-Stakeholder-Interactions for a Sustainable Mobility Transition
[by J. Mielke, A. Geiges] ||
The complexity of sustainability transitions calls for transdisciplinary dialogue processes among dierent stakeholder groups. When policy options are discussed with decision-makers, scientists often support them with the help of quantitative outputs provided by simulation models. With the increasing complexity of models in times of big data and high-performance computing, making the model and its parameters transparent and integrating them into stakeholder dialogues is essential for successful and democratic decision-making processes. Furthermore, such integration allows for the discussion of a broader variety of pathways or scenarios supplied by models. The combination of digital technologies and large computing capacity has led to a new methodological frontier through the possibility of interactive visualization of pathways, hence increasing eciency and impact of stakeholder dialogues in decision-making processes. By describing such a process in light of a mobility transition towards sustainability, this paper shows how an agent-based model can be used in stakeholder discussions among decision-makers.
The paper can be downloaded here: GCF_WorkingPaper2-2018