GCF @ COP23 in Bonn: discussing green growth and how to turn climate risks
The Global Climate Forum e.V., the University of Zurich and IIASA, together with partners from several joint H2020 research projects, are organizing 4 side events during the second week of COP23 in Bonn.
Nov. 13, 18:30-20:00, EU Pavilion:
From climate risk to opportunity: How new climate risk and impact metrics can empower development finance institutions
Presenter: Stefano Battiston (UZH), Amal-Lee Amin (IDB), Rodolphe Bocquet (Beyond Ratings), Gael Giraud (AFD), John Firth (Acclimatise), Irene Monasterolo (WU and BU), Monica Scatasta (EIB), Claire Souch (OASIS)
This session focuses on the organizational level of climate-related financial disclosure. In particular, it discusses the strategy and governance processes that can help development banks to implement climate risk and impact assessment by building on current experiences.
Nov. 15, 10:30-11:30, German Pavilion
From climate risk to opportunity: Embedding new climate risk and impact methods in the project pipeline of financial institutions.
Presenter: Stefano Battiston (UZH), Irene Monasterolo (Wu and BU), representatives of IDB, AFD, UNEP-FI
This panel session focuses on the individual projects’ level of climate-related financial disclosure. It discusses methods and requirements to assess the exposure of projects’ portfolios to climate risks (physical and transition), and their contribution to the climate action, accounting for financial solvability.
Nov. 15, 15:15-16:30, EU Pavilion
1.5 & 2°C strategies, SDGs and green growth: EU Research Projects CD-LINKS and GREEN-WIN
Presenter: Volker Krey (IIASA), Jochen Hinkel (GCF), Antoine Mandel (Paris School of Econ.), Elmar Kriegler (PIK)
Based on two EU-funded projects CD-LINKS and GREEN-WIN, the latest findings for ratcheting up the NDCs toward the 1.5 & 2°C goals and green-economy strategies for aligning economic with climate goals are presented. The side-event highlights synergies & trade-offs with regards to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), investigates green growth strategies induced through alternative climate financing schemes, and presents local green economy business models that reconcile revenue generation with SDGs. The side-event will feature four thematic presentations followed by a panel discussion.
Nov.17, 14:30-16:00, EU Pavilion
Green Growth: Perspectives on practice, theory, and (HPC-based) models
Presenter: Sarah Wolf (GCF), Luis Neves (GeSi), Franziska Schütze (GCF)
In light of a sustainability transition for the 1.5°C climate target, theoretical and practice- oriented understanding of green growth is needed. This session combines practical and research perspectives on sustainability and green growth. A focus is on the analysis of complex systems involving many heterogeneous agents with the help of HPC-based models; we present work from the green growth pilot study of the Centre of Excellence for Global Systems Science (coegss.eu), that concerns the example of future low-carbon mobili
We will discuss different perspectives on green growth and how to turn climate risks into opportunities and would be happy to welcome you to these events.
Furthermore, we will be represented at the breakfast panel organized by the German environmental agency (Umweltbundesamt):
Nov. 17, 10:00-11:30, EU Pavilion
Stranded Assets & Carbon Risks: Changing the perception of climate change in the financial system. Breakfast Panel with Subsequent Interactive Presentations
Depending on carbon intensive industries, some portfolios might carry the risks of losses in revenues when the transformation into low carbon economies starts. Defining these risks and the related stranded assets could help to balance the perception of risks of and opportunities for both, green and brown investment. Universities, NGOs, commercials and public institutions will provide insights in their ongoing research related to these risks and stranded assets.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us in case of questions. We hope to see you there!
With kind regards,
Franziska Schütze, Sarah Wolf, Jochen Hinkel, Stefano Battiston