
    September 22, 2017

    GCF and the DOLFINS Consortium replied to the EU consultation on Sustainable Finance

    The EU High-level expert group (HLEG) on Sustainable Finance has invited all citizens to provide feedback to their Interim report via a non-technical questionnaire by Sept. 20th. The DOLFINS Consortium has followed this request, and published a summary of these responses which you can find here.
    September 17, 2017

    Webinar: why and how to respond to the EU CMU consultation

    The EU project DOLFINS is hosting a webinar on 9 March, setting out the most important reasons why organisations should respond to the consultation on the Capital Markets Union Mid-Term Review (CMU MTR) (open until 17 March 2017). One of the key reasons is that the CMU has to date largely side-lined sustainability issues. Sign […]
    August 9, 2017

    Green investment and coordination failure: An investors’ perspective

    The goal to keep global warming well below 2°C can only be achieved if private investors shift capital from brown to green infrastructures and technologies.
    April 25, 2016

    GREEN-WIN Project Website Launched

    The GREEN-WIN project has launched a new website to support knowledge transfer and sharing of resources around “Green Growth and Win-Win Strategies for Sustainable Climate Action”. The GREEN-WIN project is a major international transdisciplinary research collaboration applying a solution-oriented approach targeted at increasing the understanding of links between climate action and sustainability and overcoming implementation […]
    March 16, 2016

    The possibility of green growth in climate policy analysis models – New GCF working paper published

    This working paper reviews modelling works that find economic benefits of climate change mitigation possible – a prerequisite for analysing green growth with the help of economic models. The paper can be downloaded here: GCF_WorkingPaper1-2016
    October 28, 2015

    PolicyOracle: Predicting Outcomes of Key Policy Indices

    Your expert opinion on macroeconomic indicators considered by policy makers to shape policies in Europe? The SYMPHONY European research project ( implemented an online market simulation called PolicyOracle to monitor your expectation changes about key policy indices in real time. Participants are able to place bets on future prices of pivotal resources or future political […]
    October 28, 2015

    Simpol Project: Crowdsourcing for Transparency in the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework

    Strongly influenced by lobbying activities, the EU took a step back on some of its climate targets within the 2030 framework for climate and energy policy. With the SIMPOL project, we are developing a new collaborative tool to identify the interests at stake in the complex negotiation process between different national- and EU institutions. You […]
    February 26, 2015

    IPCC sea-level rise scenarios not fit for purpose for high-risk coastal areas

    The sea-level rise scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) do not necessarily provide the right information for high-risk coastal decision-making and management, according to new research involving scientists from the Global Climate Forum in Berlin.
    September 23, 2014

    Climate Finance and Sustainable Economic Recovery

    published on Handelsblatt Online (September 23, 2014) > by K. Toepfer, J-C. Hourcade, M. Aglietta, C. Jaeger English version: The day before this year’s UN General Assembly, September 23, its secretary general will host a UN climate summit in New York. President Obama will attend a meeting taking place in his country but key […]
    September 22, 2014

    Don‘t save, educate!

    recently published on Zeit Online (September 10, 2014): >