An Open Invitation to Participate in the GREEN-WIN Survey
A guiding element of the GREEN WIN Project is the Global Dialogue, which aims to produce shared policy narratives about how to implement win-win solutions to support climate action within the framework of sustainable development. We have held two Global Dialogue workshops. The participants came from across the world and from civil society, business, banks, academia and government. In the second workshop, invited participants and GREEN WIN project members presented and discussed win-win solutions. These presentations have been collated into four narratives.
These narratives are the focus of this survey. The survey will help us to improve the narratives, which will be one of the outputs at the end of the project, and provide input for discussions at the GREEN-WIN conference in Barcelona in March 2018.
Completing the survey should not take more than 20 minutes. The survey will be open until the end of 2017 and can be accessed here.