–– Saini Yang, Beijing Normal University; GCF
–– Manfred Laubichler, Arizona State University; GCF
–– Antje Trauboth, Leuphana University, Germany; GCF
Global Climate Forum: What Future?

Global Climate Forum: What Future?
–– Saini Yang, Beijing Normal University; GCF
–– Manfred Laubichler, Arizona State University; GCF
–– Antje Trauboth, Leuphana University, Germany; GCF

Global Climate Forum: What Future?
–– Saini Yang, Beijing Normal University; GCF
–– Manfred Laubichler, Arizona State University; GCF
–– Antje Trauboth, Leuphana University, Germany; GCF

Global Climate Forum: What Future?
–– Saini Yang, Beijing Normal University; GCF
–– Manfred Laubichler, Arizona State University; GCF
–– Antje Trauboth, Leuphana University, Germany; GCF

Artikel im Wirtschaftsdienst: Für eine Ausstattung des Energie- und Klimafonds mit Kreditermächtigungen
von Steffen Murau, Jan-Erik Thie
Energiesicherheit und -unabhängigkeit sind der neue Imperativ nach dem von Wladimir Putin befohlenen Angriffskrieg…

Groundcheck 2022: Keynote at Aussenministerium by Manfred Laubichler
Groundcheck 2022: Prof. Dr. Manfred Laubichler - Global Futures - von der Erkenntnis zur Umsetzung
Mitschnitt der internationalen Konferenz…

GCF publishes a comic book on Sustainable Mobility – Decision Theatre
Based on Decision Theatre events carried out in a science communication project awarded with the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize for the European Research…

First Symposium on the Cultures of Coastal Adaptation
The Adaptation and Social Learning group organized the first (virtual) Symposium on the Cultures of Coastal Adaptation that was held on the…

GCF publishes landmark report on financing public investments required by climate goals
For the first time, this report shows a realistic way to finance public climate investment, considering the critical example of Germany.

How ecological Value Chains Can Help Societies Tackle the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has cast a spotlight on the vulnerability of global value chains. Sustainable value chains at the regional level could…

GCF @ European Week of Regions and Cities „Trusted Policy-Making in the Digital Era”, Brussels (07.-10.10.2019)
On 8 October 2019, Dr. Sarah Wolf, senior researcher in GCF’s Green Growth process, presented the „Decision Theatre – a process for communication, research, and decision support“ at the European Week of Regions and Cities...

UNECE Sustainability Energy Week, Geneva (25.-27.09.2019)
As part of UNECE's 28th session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy GCF has been invited to present an interactive session on its mobile Decision Theatre. Within an interactive session partners from...

Panel Discussion: “2024: The State of Financial Capitalism”, Berlin (16.01.2024)
This public roundtable brought together the authors of three recent political economy books to discuss their takes on the status quo of financial…

Artikel im Wirtschaftsdienst: Für eine Ausstattung des Energie- und Klimafonds mit Kreditermächtigungen
von Steffen Murau, Jan-Erik Thie
Energiesicherheit und -unabhängigkeit sind der neue Imperativ nach dem von Wladimir Putin befohlenen Angriffskrieg…

Groundcheck 2022: Keynote at Aussenministerium by Manfred Laubichler
Groundcheck 2022: Prof. Dr. Manfred Laubichler - Global Futures - von der Erkenntnis zur Umsetzung
Mitschnitt der internationalen Konferenz…

GCF publishes a comic book on Sustainable Mobility – Decision Theatre
Based on Decision Theatre events carried out in a science communication project awarded with the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize for the European Research…

First Symposium on the Cultures of Coastal Adaptation
The Adaptation and Social Learning group organized the first (virtual) Symposium on the Cultures of Coastal Adaptation that was held on the…

GCF publishes landmark report on financing public investments required by climate goals
For the first time, this report shows a realistic way to finance public climate investment, considering the critical example of Germany.

How ecological Value Chains Can Help Societies Tackle the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has cast a spotlight on the vulnerability of global value chains. Sustainable value chains at the regional level could…

GCF @ European Week of Regions and Cities „Trusted Policy-Making in the Digital Era”, Brussels (07.-10.10.2019)
On 8 October 2019, Dr. Sarah Wolf, senior researcher in GCF’s Green Growth process, presented the „Decision Theatre – a process for communication, research, and decision support“ at the European Week of Regions and Cities...

Panel Discussion: “2024: The State of Financial Capitalism”, Berlin (16.01.2024)
This public roundtable brought together the authors of three recent political economy books to discuss their takes on the status quo of financial…

Artikel im Wirtschaftsdienst: Für eine Ausstattung des Energie- und Klimafonds mit Kreditermächtigungen
von Steffen Murau, Jan-Erik Thie
Energiesicherheit und -unabhängigkeit sind der neue Imperativ nach dem von Wladimir Putin befohlenen Angriffskrieg…

Groundcheck 2022: Keynote at Aussenministerium by Manfred Laubichler
Groundcheck 2022: Prof. Dr. Manfred Laubichler - Global Futures - von der Erkenntnis zur Umsetzung
Mitschnitt der internationalen Konferenz…

GCF publishes a comic book on Sustainable Mobility – Decision Theatre
Based on Decision Theatre events carried out in a science communication project awarded with the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize for the European Research…

First Symposium on the Cultures of Coastal Adaptation
The Adaptation and Social Learning group organized the first (virtual) Symposium on the Cultures of Coastal Adaptation that was held on the…

GCF publishes landmark report on financing public investments required by climate goals
For the first time, this report shows a realistic way to finance public climate investment, considering the critical example of Germany.

How ecological Value Chains Can Help Societies Tackle the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has cast a spotlight on the vulnerability of global value chains. Sustainable value chains at the regional level could…

GCF @ European Week of Regions and Cities „Trusted Policy-Making in the Digital Era”, Brussels (07.-10.10.2019)
On 8 October 2019, Dr. Sarah Wolf, senior researcher in GCF’s Green Growth process, presented the „Decision Theatre – a process for communication, research, and decision support“ at the European Week of Regions and Cities...
Sea Level Rise Learning Scenarios for Adaptive Decision-Making Based on IPCC AR6
Adaptation decision-scientists increasingly use real-option analysis to consider the value of learning about future climate variable development…
Co-creating a coastal climate service to prioritise investments in erosion prevention and sea-level rise adaptation in the Maldives
While the prioritisation of scarce resources for climate adaptation is becoming a priority for low and middle income countries, the climate service…
Climate learning scenarios for adaptation decision analyses: Review and classification
Economic decision analysis is an important tool for developing cost-efficient adaptation pathways in sectors that involve costly adaptation options,…
Decision-support for land reclamation location and design choices in the Maldives
Land reclamation in the Maldives is widespread. Current land reclamation practices, however, lack a systematic approach to anticipate sea-level…
New GCF study on climate change impacts on Pari island (Indonesia)
(German version below)
In a new study, scientists from the GCF examine the current and future effects of anthropogenic global warming on the…
Making the UN Ocean Decade work? The potential for, and challenges of, transdisciplinary research and real-world laboratories for building towards ocean solutions
Due to the strong interconnectedness between the ocean and our societies worldwide, improved ocean governance is essential for sustainable…
The macroeconomic effects of adapting to high-end sea-level rise via protection and migration
Climate change-induced sea level rise (SLR) is projected to be substantial, triggering human adaptation responses, including increasing protection…
New working paper: Klaus Hasselmann and Economics
Klaus Hasselmann and Economics
Klaus Hasselmann has earned the 2021 Nobel prize in physics for his breakthroughs in analysing the climate…
Vested interests, rather than adaptation considerations, explain varying post-tsunami relocation outcomes in Laamu atoll, Maldives
Relocating communities out of increasingly risk-prone areas is effective for adapting to climate change. Relocations are particularly relevant…
Sea Level Rise Learning Scenarios for Adaptive Decision-Making Based on IPCC AR6
Adaptation decision-scientists increasingly use real-option analysis to consider the value of learning about future climate variable development…
Co-creating a coastal climate service to prioritise investments in erosion prevention and sea-level rise adaptation in the Maldives
While the prioritisation of scarce resources for climate adaptation is becoming a priority for low and middle income countries, the climate service…
Climate learning scenarios for adaptation decision analyses: Review and classification
Economic decision analysis is an important tool for developing cost-efficient adaptation pathways in sectors that involve costly adaptation options,…
Decision-support for land reclamation location and design choices in the Maldives
Land reclamation in the Maldives is widespread. Current land reclamation practices, however, lack a systematic approach to anticipate sea-level…
New GCF study on climate change impacts on Pari island (Indonesia)
(German version below)
In a new study, scientists from the GCF examine the current and future effects of anthropogenic global warming on the…
Making the UN Ocean Decade work? The potential for, and challenges of, transdisciplinary research and real-world laboratories for building towards ocean solutions
Due to the strong interconnectedness between the ocean and our societies worldwide, improved ocean governance is essential for sustainable…
The macroeconomic effects of adapting to high-end sea-level rise via protection and migration
Climate change-induced sea level rise (SLR) is projected to be substantial, triggering human adaptation responses, including increasing protection…
New working paper: Klaus Hasselmann and Economics
Klaus Hasselmann and Economics
Klaus Hasselmann has earned the 2021 Nobel prize in physics for his breakthroughs in analysing the climate…
Sea Level Rise Learning Scenarios for Adaptive Decision-Making Based on IPCC AR6
Adaptation decision-scientists increasingly use real-option analysis to consider the value of learning about future climate variable development…
Co-creating a coastal climate service to prioritise investments in erosion prevention and sea-level rise adaptation in the Maldives
While the prioritisation of scarce resources for climate adaptation is becoming a priority for low and middle income countries, the climate service…
Climate learning scenarios for adaptation decision analyses: Review and classification
Economic decision analysis is an important tool for developing cost-efficient adaptation pathways in sectors that involve costly adaptation options,…
Decision-support for land reclamation location and design choices in the Maldives
Land reclamation in the Maldives is widespread. Current land reclamation practices, however, lack a systematic approach to anticipate sea-level…
New GCF study on climate change impacts on Pari island (Indonesia)
(German version below)
In a new study, scientists from the GCF examine the current and future effects of anthropogenic global warming on the…
Making the UN Ocean Decade work? The potential for, and challenges of, transdisciplinary research and real-world laboratories for building towards ocean solutions
Due to the strong interconnectedness between the ocean and our societies worldwide, improved ocean governance is essential for sustainable…
The macroeconomic effects of adapting to high-end sea-level rise via protection and migration
Climate change-induced sea level rise (SLR) is projected to be substantial, triggering human adaptation responses, including increasing protection…
New working paper: Klaus Hasselmann and Economics
Klaus Hasselmann and Economics
Klaus Hasselmann has earned the 2021 Nobel prize in physics for his breakthroughs in analysing the climate…
Adaptation and Social Learning
Support climate change adaptation through the analysis of actors, networks, institutions, decisions, risks and opportunities involved in the process of adaptation
Investigate the complex dynamics of rule evolution and equilibrium selection to identify win-win options that achieve emissions reductions while overcoming poverty and unemployment.