Integrated Risk Governance in the Mediterranean Region: Climate Change, Democracy, and Growth
April 28-29, 2011
UAB Casa Convalescència, Barcelona, Spain
A conference organized by the European Climate Forum (ECF) on behalf of the CIRCE project and the GSDP network
ECF conferences are known for the unusual spirit of open debate and exchange between scientists and stakeholders. In this spirit, we will look at the tasks of risk governance in the Mediterranean region. We will start from climate risks and climate policies, while acknowledging that these cannot be dealt with in isolation.
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On the southern shores of the Mediterranean, the Arab spring of 2011 has created opportunities for win-win strategies to tackle social, economic, and environmental challenges with a perspective of sustainable development. It has also led to the possibility of risk cascades that can only be avoided by developing and using new methods of risk management and governance. On the northern shores, the global financial crisis has left wounds that will not heal easily. Across the Mediterranean, developing new levels of cooperation has become a fascinating and daunting task.Read more [PDF, 0.3 MB]