Entries by Daniel Linke

New GCF study on climate change impacts on Pari island (Indonesia)

(German version below) In a new study, scientists from the GCF examine the current and future effects of anthropogenic global warming on the Indonesian island of Pari. The focus is on sea level rise as this is responsible for much of the climate change impacts on low-lying coral reef islands as Pari. In particular, the […]

New working paper: Klaus Hasselmann and Economics

Klaus Hasselmann and Economics Klaus Hasselmann has earned the 2021 Nobel prize in physics for his breakthroughs in analysing the climate system as a complex physical system. Since decades, as a leading climate scientist he is aware of the need for creative cooperation between climate scientists and researchers from other fields, especially economics. To facilitate […]

Coastal protection can significantly reduce migration from sea-level rise

Protecting densely populated coastal areas, such as river deltas or megacities, from sea-level rise with dikes and seawalls will likely limit land loss and migration of people away from the coasts. But these protections are overlooked in most migration estimates. A new study predicts coastal protection could limit migration to 17 to 72 million people […]

Sea level rise up to four times global average for coastal communities

Coastal populations are experiencing relative sea-level rise up to four times faster than the global average – according to new research from an international research team that includes Global Climate Forum. A new study published today in Nature Climate Change is the first to analyse global sea-level rise combined with measurements of sinking land. Climate-induced […]

GCF contributed to OECD Report: Responding to Rising Seas

Researchers from GCF (Adaptation and Social Learning research process) contributed to a recent OECD report “Responding to Rising Seas OECD Country Approaches to Tackling Coastal Risks”, including leading a chapter analysing the future costs of sea-level rise and adaptation measure in the 21st century. The report reviews how OECD countries can use their national adaptation […]

Beyond the Gap – How Countries Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need while Protecting the Planet

Researchers from GCF (Adaptation and Social Learning research process) contributed to a recent World Bank report on global infrastructure investments. They provided the chapter in coastal protection infrastructure needs under different socio-economic and climate scenarios. Failure to secure the appropriate financial tools, institutions, and governance mechanisms to ensure maintenance – and thus continuous protection over […]

Large scale coastal protection is cost-efficient for most of the global coastal population.

Large scale investment in coastal protection is cost-efficient for 90 percent of today’s global floodplain population. This is the result of a global scale cost-benefit analysis of large-scale coastal protection performed by researchers from Global Climate Forum and published in the journal Global Environmental Change. “Sea-level rise is occurring in many areas of the world […]